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The most basic and fundamental study for Christians is getting an understanding of the Books of the Bible in their order and their overall meaning. The focus of this course is to assist the Child of God in knowing not only where the books of the bible are located, but also to give a topical understanding of each individual book itself. We will hone in on primary Bible characters, historical, cultural and spiritual information to best determine the "overall" theme of each book.

The Old testament is broken down by each individual book, where the New Testament is broken up into the 4 sections:

The Pentateuch (the Books of the Law) - Gen, Exo. lev, Num., Deu.

Old Testament History - Josh, Jud., Ruth, 1Sam, 2 Sam, 1 Kin, 2 Kin, 1 Chr, 2 Chr, Ezra, Neh, Est

Poetry - Job, Psalms, Prov, Eccl, Song

Major Prophets - Isa, Jer, Lam, Eze, Dan

Minor Prophets - Hos, Joel, Amos, Obad, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Hab, Zep, Hag, Zech, Mal

Course Outline

1.      Order of the Books of the Bible

           a. Major objective is to memorize the books of the bible in order

           b. Distinguish the number of books in the entire bible

           c. Identify the number of books in the Old Testament (OT)

           d. Identify the number of books in the New Testament (NT)

2.      Segmentation of the Books of the Bible

           a. OT - Books of Law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets

           b.NT - Books of History, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles, Revelation (Prophecy)

3.      Identification of the "cohesiveness of the Old and New Testaments

           a. Correlating OT books with NT books

           b. Correlating OT themes with NT themes

           c. Correlating OT Prophecy with NT fulfillment of Prophecy

4.      Application of fundamental Biblical knowledge to a lifestyle of Holiness

Books of the Bible

Old Testament of the beginnings

Exodus...deliverance from bondage

Leviticus...the law and priesthood is established

Numbers...establishment of the nations

Deuteronomy...rehearsal of the law

Joshua...spiritual warfare

Judges...the law enforced

Ruth...salvation of the gentiles foretold

1 Samuel...establishment of kings; getting what you ask for

2 Samuel...reign of King David

1 Kings...Reign of Solomon, the last king of the united Israel

2 Kings...kings of Judah; two power prophets: Elijah & Elisha

1 Chronicles...the sovereignty of God

2 Chronicles...the five periods of reformation

Ezra...the return of the Jews from captivity and the rebuilding of the temple

Nehemiah...rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem

Esther...hidden teachings of God's people and the certainty of retribution

Job...the malignant power of Satan in human life

Psalms....prayers, praises and songs

Proverbs...wisdom and knowledge

Ecclesiastes....wisdom for the righteous

Song of Solomon...divine intimacy

Isaiah...God's judgment on the sins of His children

Jeremiah...the weeping prophet - crying God's tears

Lamentations...God mourning over His bride

Ezekiel...predictions of Jerusalem's destruction

Daniel...the voice and vision of God

Hosea...spiritual adultery; deliverance

Joel...judgment and a call to repentance

Amos...sins of Israel listed and a call to repentance

Obadiah...deliverance of the chosen people

Jonah...spiritual irresponsibility

Micah...coming judgments

Nahum...waiting for and on God's promises

Habakkuk waiting and the prophetic

Zephaniah...searching judgments of God

Haggai...rebuke for not rebuilding of the Temple nations

Zechariah....arousing the Jews to rebuild the Temple

Malachi...reforms needed to prepare the way for the coming Messiah

New Testament

The Gospel of St. Matthew...Old Testament Prophesies fulfilled

The Gospel of St. Mark...Christ, the Tireless Servant of God and Man

The Gospel of St. Luke....The Gospel of the Universal Grace of God

The Gospel of inspire faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God

The Acts of the Apostles...The history of the development of the early church

Romans...The plan of Salvation & Exhortation concerning Christian Duties

The 1 Epistle to the Corinthians...Cleansing of false conceptions & Doctrinal Instructions

The 2 Epistle to the Corinthians...vindication of his Apostleship & Exhortations concerning Benevolence

The Epistle to the Galatians...defense of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith, warnings of Reversion to Judaism

The Epistle to the Ephesians...the Unity of the Church

The Epistle to the Philippians...a Spiritual Love Letter to the Church - Rejoicing

The Epistle to the Colossians...a message of good will & to counteract doctrinal errors

The 1 Epistle to the Thessalonians...commendations, personal reminiscences, counsels, and exhortations

The 2 Epistle to the Thessalonians...the Second coming of Christ

The 1 Epistle to Timothy...Counsels and Exhortations to a Young Pastor

The 2 Epistle to Timothy...encourage & Instruct a young pastor in ministerial work & request for companionship

The Epistle to Titus...Counsels and Exhortations relating to Ministerial Duties and Doctrines – emphasis on Good Works

The Epistle to the Colossians...a message of good will & to counteract doctrinal errors

The Epistle to Philemon...importance of sympathy, duty to obedience to the law & Christian Brotherhood

The Epistle to the the transcendent Glory of the Christian dispensation, as compared to the Old Testament

The Epistle of James...Practical Religion, manifesting in good works, contrasted with mere Profession of Faith

The 1 Epistle of Peter...encourage & strengthen the brethren & feed the flock of God

The 2 Epistle of Peter...a warning against corrupt teachers and scoffers

The 1 Epistle of add to their joy, to guard against sin, to warn against false teachers & to strengthen their faith in Christ

The 2 Epistle of John...warning friends against heresy and associations with false teachers

The 3 Epistle of John...Christian Hospitality

The Epistle of Jude...warning the Church against immoral teachers and alarming heresies which were endangering the faith of believers

The Book of Revelations...The Moral and Spiritual Conflict of the Ages


Thursday Night is Prayer & Bible Study, 7:00 the Dominique Johnson Recreation Center, Scrapetown Rd

Faith Christian Fellowship Center & Outreach Ministries | | P. O. Box 7 14 Scrapetown Rd. 14 Scrapetown Rd., 14 Scrapetown Rd. Pemberton , NJ , 08068 USA | Phone 6093724138

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